The system's simplicity makes it ideal for users with no previous computer experience. The 5-key system gives you easy access and navigation to such interfaces as Media Library, File Browsing, Playlist, Color Control, Audio Equalizer, Bookmarks, Play History and many more. Well, the service allows users to create a new account using Google Account, Facebook and SSO.Zoom Player's fullscreen navigation interface is based on a simple 5-Key system (up/down/left/right/select). The first thing you need to do is create a new Zoom account. How to setup Zoom on Windows, iOS and Android Assuming you’ve already downloaded and installed the Zoom software on your computer. So, in case you just want to join a meeting without downloading any app, you can do that as well. Here are the links: Zoom Cloud Meetings for iOS: Link Zoom Cloud Meetings for Android: Link Zoom Cloud Meetings for Windows: Link Zoom app for Mac: Link Another interesting feature of the Zoom is that it even allows users to join a meeting right from its website. For example, there’s dedicated software for conference calls. Well, this is a lot more complicated than downloading a normal app because there are tons of other Zoom apps specially designed for different purposes. exe installer for Zoom from its official website. Android and iOS users can download the app via their respective app stores, while Windows users need to download the.

For starters, all you need is the base app called Zoom Cloud Meetings.