In order to compile Zorba on Windows, you need a working Visual Studio (Express) installation.It will also add some symbolic links to the libraries. This will remove the build path from the installed executables and libraries. Assumming the latter, one add the following to the cmake configuration options However, a newer version of libxml2 than the one that is part of Mac OS X (v 2.6.16) is needed which can be obtained from Darwin Ports (v 2.6.31) or from source (v 2.2.7 ). Note that versions of libcurl and libtidy, that are already installed as part of Mac OS X are sufficient. If this was successful, you can simply install packages by typing e.g. After installing Darwin Ports, you should run sudo port -d selfupdate to upgrade the package lists. The easiest way to install the required packages (like CMake, etc.) is to use Darwin Ports ( ). Details here Zorba Configuration Options. You can tweak the performance and library footprint by enabling or disabling various features from Zorba. To change the build mode (to Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel), you can pass an additional parameter to CMake, e.g. By default, Zorba is build with the Release configuration. CMake supports multiple build configurations (e.g.For example, you can create a KDevelop Project by executing the following command in the directory: cmake -G KDevelop3. CMake is a meta build system, meaning it is able to generate native makefiles (e.g.If make finished successfully, you're ready to install and run Zorba (see Installation). If CMake was executed successfully, you should be able to run make.CMake will tell you if your installation is missing some of the required libraries or development headers. This command should configure Zorba and prepare for the build.

In case the is located directly within the directory just type cmake.

GNU Compiler: GCC 3.4.x (32bit & 64bit) and GCC 4.x.x.Zorba is tested with the following compilers: In order to build Zorba, you need the Cross-Platform Make CMake 2.4 or higher, but not CMake 2.6.3 which has a serious bug preventing Zorba build.